Faller Chalet
219 kr - 197 kr
A quiet tip with panorama! Light-coloured rendered detached house with garage, outside stairs and noticeable overhang on the attic floor.
Produkten är tyvärr slut i lager. :(
Faller Modelljärnväg H0 Chalet
A quiet tip with panorama! Light-coloured rendered detached house with garage, outside stairs and noticeable overhang on the attic floor featuring plank siding. Lozenged shingles cover two sides of the house on the upper storey as well as the roof. Skala H0 ( 1:87 ).
This building kit contains: 197 single parts in 6 colours, window parts, 1 paper mask and 1 construction instruction.
120 x 109 x 101 mm